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The Complaining Thread

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The Complaining Thread Empty The Complaining Thread

Post  Shiarratan Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:20 pm

i find it's always good to have a thread like this on forums-- just a spot to make a post about something bad/annoying/frustrating that's happened to you. not necessarily to get attention or sympathy, just an opportunity to vent.

so-- finally splurged for an esoterica but ended up dying so much you finished your hour with less exp than you began? found a boss's spawn point by meditating with 120 hp left and having him land on you? break your weapon two minutes into an FB? or even real-life irks, like taking the bus home and unlocking your door before you realize you drove to work that day, or going on a date or job interview and an hour into it figuring out your shirt/skirt/pants are on backwards.

this is the place to let it alllll out. :D

though for ground rules: be nice. don't complain about a guildie or ex-guildie. but that other jerk who totally stole your kill or cut you off in rush hour, he's fair game. ;P


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The Complaining Thread Empty I'll start

Post  Jamri Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:55 pm

First let me say, nice idea for a thread.

Now, what really gets me going is this...

I'm on my way to work and I get behind this big 4 wheel drive truck(the redneck kind) heading on to the highway. Usually no big deal but this guy decides he's only going to go 35 MPH onto a 65 MPH highway. To add to my frustration is that this idiot has NASCAR stickers plastered all over the back window of his truck. REALLY!!!!! I mean come on, this isn't the fricken pit stop. Get your arss moving already. Some race fan you are.


Thanks I needed to get that out.

The Complaining Thread 680566

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The Complaining Thread Empty Kids AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH

Post  Foxy_Kinks Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:46 pm

Don't get me wrong, I love my 4 boys but at times they DRIVE ME CRAZY.

The youngest two are sick and the oldest two think they know it all and want to argue with you 24/7. To make matters worse, they will argue the point if when they are in the wrong. The Complaining Thread 33260

Maybe it's because they are males, I don't know

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The Complaining Thread Empty paperworrrk :[

Post  Shiarratan Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:04 pm

i really, really, really dislike paperwork. between being gifted with a folder bursting with bizarre tax and government forms (with no instructions), filling out the same exhaustively long form twice (with an essay portion. i mean, really?), and playing tag driving up to the place and trying to get my questions answered for the past week, i am quite ready to break out the shredder.


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The Complaining Thread Empty Re: The Complaining Thread

Post  LadyLeanna Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:02 am

LOL no foxy, mine argue alllll the time form the time they get up until they go to bed and my son is almost 19 and my daughter is 14, nothing physical, just yelling at each other, but you let someone else pick on one of them, HA, and you'll see the other come running to their defense lol.

ok here's my rant for the day, *clears throat*

I hate my Ex, i mean i really really hate that man, he's a total jerk, he knows i need extra money to buy food to get by, and he uses that to his advantage. so it's his payday, i go to the bank with him because he said he don't know how to use the bank machine, which is just plain bullsh**. anyway he takes hi spay out and stand three and counts and give me 100.00 which will not buy much for food, i mean for 4L of milk is nearly $8.00. bread is over $2.00 a loaf, etc etc, you get my meaning, 4 bags of food came to nearly $85.00. and that will last maybe 5 days if that. but to top it all off, he follows me around the grocery store to see what i bought, then complains about how hard he finds shopping, the jackass has a cart full of food, compare to my maybe 8 items, he only has to feed himself, i have two growing teens to feed, he bloody don't. he told me as long as i let him come see the kids he'd help me out money wise, funny thing is he only shows up when they are either in bed or in school.

it's just so belittling having to play nice to that man , just for a few bucks. i go to another store to get a few things i missed and i was a bit short, of course again he follows me, and pulls money out of his pocket, and instead of just handing it to me, he gives it to the cashier. i looked at him and he had a smirk on his face, at that moment i wanted to hit him with a brick. i hoonestly hate that man, it's been 14 months since i kicked his sorry *** out the door you'd think he'd get the hint it's over, but noooo, he keeps trying, he's a ex for a reason.

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The Complaining Thread Empty Re: The Complaining Thread

Post  Foxy_Kinks Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:43 am

Lady - I feel for you. What a mongrel of an ex.

Well, my complaint today is due to a certain male - my husband aka Dru.

Our youngest two are sick. The youngest is nearly 9 months. The last few nights have been bad due to his coughing and I have had to have him sleep with us. I haven't had a good night sleep for the last few nights so when he woke this morning, Dru was awake too and didn't bother to offer to get up with Cameron so I could finally get some sleep. Men - they really piss me off some times. Right now, I can hear him snoring away in the bedroom while I am here typing in the loungeroom. The Complaining Thread 33260

I WANT SLEEP! The Complaining Thread 756189

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The Complaining Thread Empty ??

Post  sushilover13 Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:47 am

ok the only thing i can complain about is how we need more ppls active!!!!! it iritates me sometimes... im about to lvl to 54 and still no fb51..... =( too many ppl afk and most of all my friends are in faction.... so its hard...... we just need to recruit more active ppl... and i know its hard ... but im willing to help ... but im not an executor

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The Complaining Thread Empty SATs

Post  BklynRose Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:05 pm

MY GOD! ive never taken a longer test in all my days... i woke up at 4:20 in the morning and am just now getting back home! HATE THOSE FRICKING SATs english math english math english math WHERE R THE SCIENCE QUESTIONS??? NO FOOD UP ALL DAY!! Im so gonna b a supreme u kno what today..... The Complaining Thread 621911 *sad face*

Last edited by BklynRose on Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sleep deprivation and blinding hunger have effected my spelling skills)

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The Complaining Thread Empty scammed!!

Post  sushilover13 Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:38 am

I GOT SCAMMED!!!! The Complaining Thread 621911 thats says it enough =(

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The Complaining Thread Empty AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post  Foxy_Kinks Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:19 am

I can't find my keys - I have torn the house apart trying to find them.

Knowing my oldest two, they will come home and say here they are mum.


The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260 The Complaining Thread 812884 The Complaining Thread 33260

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The Complaining Thread Empty Re: The Complaining Thread

Post  LadyLeanna Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:54 am

sushilover13 wrote:I GOT SCAMMED!!!! The Complaining Thread 621911 thats says it enough =(

eeeep, that don't sound good sushi

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The Complaining Thread Empty Re: The Complaining Thread

Post  Shiarratan Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:54 am

my redwings lost.. the final game of the stanley cup, in their own arena... how could they do this to me? how could they do it at all?
The Complaining Thread 548342


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