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Artists Artwork

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Artists Artwork Empty Artists Artwork

Post  RogueLink Fri May 22, 2009 6:35 pm

Okay, as ive seen there are either a couple of guildies either into drawing or looking at artwork i thought id start a page on just that.
post your artworks here, pw related or not and feel free to browse.
ill post a couple of pics with my art page link to start with :)

Artists Artwork Rose___Titanic_by_prince_link
Rose from Titanic

Artists Artwork Leanna_2009_by_prince_link
Leanna's Thundercat OC (original character)

Artists Artwork Raptor_Persona_by_prince_link
My OC as a Raptor Anthro

Artists Artwork Dark_Phoenix__the_dearest_of_by_prince_link
Phoenix from xmen

You can find more of my work on my art page HERE!!!

ill also be working on some pics of our guilds PW characters, so if u can guys post a few pics of ur main character in the "Show us yourself" thread an ill get workin on some pics right away :)

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Artists Artwork Empty i should have kept my mouth shut ><;;

Post  Shiarratan Fri May 22, 2009 7:05 pm

well, here are a few of my things. i do most coloring and such on computer, so when mine dies, i'm kinda stuck.. so these are kinda old. ^^; i also have a deviantart page.

Artists Artwork Break_to_give_by_alaisiaga
a present for a friend.

Artists Artwork Bella__s_Woods_by_alaisiaga
prize art of someone's character.

and more recently due to my computer problems, i'm doing lineart.
Artists Artwork Yes__i_know_what_i_am___lines_by_alaisiaga
this one's my character for a superhero roleplay that i kinda dropped out of.

but what i really love to do are comics. though, they're usually pretty big and i don't want to waste more space, so clicky here if you'd like to see one. :3


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Artists Artwork Empty RE: shia

Post  RogueLink Fri May 22, 2009 8:19 pm

omg ur work is awsome!
i cant believe u were worried about posting!
great work, i love ur line work, an ur hero character rocks she looks so cool.


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Artists Artwork Empty re: link

Post  Shiarratan Fri May 22, 2009 10:26 pm

of course i was worried, lol. you're awesome at realistic art, which i think is much harder to do than my cartoony style. i am supremely jealous of your anatomy skills. :3


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Artists Artwork Empty !!

Post  sushilover13 Fri May 22, 2009 10:52 pm

wow your work is amazing shia!!!! ... or ashley ... or ash... ??? how do u wana b called??? anyways ur work as really really really really really really really...... ( u get the point) =)

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Artists Artwork Empty asdf

Post  sushilover13 Fri May 22, 2009 10:53 pm

oh yeah ur stuff is great too rogue !!! THUNDER CATS!! HOOOOOO!!!!!

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Artists Artwork Empty re: sushi

Post  Shiarratan Fri May 22, 2009 11:30 pm

thank you! |D *blushes to death*

and i'll answer to any of the above, sushi, whichever's easiest for you to remember. :3


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Artists Artwork Empty RE: sushi

Post  RogueLink Sat May 23, 2009 2:14 am

"Oh yea, your stuffs great too rogue"
you forgot me??!?!??!

lol thanks, im glad u like it..

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Artists Artwork Empty ...

Post  sushilover13 Sat May 23, 2009 2:16 am

lol naw i didnt forget about u obviously !! i still mentioned u too!

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Artists Artwork Empty O_O wowzers

Post  BklynRose Sun May 24, 2009 7:04 am

Ah both of u guys r great artists ^^ i cant draw for shizz cept for kinda kiddy cartoonish animals X3 anywayz i'd LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to b drawn as u see me Rogue it would make me all giggly inside lol Artists Artwork 546782

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Artists Artwork Empty a pwi work-in-progress

Post  Shiarratan Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:55 am

i have a few more PWI pencil sketches, but my scanner's slightly busted at the moment.. ^^;

but for my barbarian friend who i've actually caused to die several times, i am working on a gift art (mostly to thank him to taking it with such good humor). the lineart for this turned out cute, and i wanted to share. ^^

Artists Artwork Tigers10


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Artists Artwork Empty Re: Artists Artwork

Post  sanchary Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:14 am

Excellent stuff guys. Both of u really have amazing talent. Keep up the good work Artists Artwork 680566


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Artists Artwork Empty Re: Artists Artwork

Post  LadyLeanna Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:30 am

well here's one pic and the link to the rest of my crap lol. just keep in mind i've never taken art lessons, i just picked up a pencil and paper one day and started drawing back when i was 15.

Artists Artwork Foronlyjustamomentbylad Artists Artwork W600

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Artists Artwork Empty Re: Artists Artwork

Post  sanchary Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:20 am

Oooo la la, Lady u quite the artist :) Me likes


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Artists Artwork Empty Re: Artists Artwork

Post  Shiarratan Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:03 am

lea, that picture is so sweet. the emotion in it is really great-- it made me "aww" out loud.
Artists Artwork 546782


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Artists Artwork Empty Re: Artists Artwork

Post  LadyLeanna Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:01 pm

well ty, i still have alot to learn, but i just do it for fun.

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Artists Artwork Empty Re: Artists Artwork

Post  Firebird Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:54 am

Hehee, I like this one.. reminds me of something.... you are all fantastic artists as it seems.. All I could do is maybe draw a pirate ship in Dreamweaver :)

So long,

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Artists Artwork Empty OMZZZ so much TALENT!! O_O

Post  Bella Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:19 am

It's so beautiful!! You guys are so amazingly talented :3


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